BOMA-USA 2022 Virtual Conference

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BOMA-USA 2022 Virtual Conference


2.01 Does the Woman’s Life Stage Affect our Interpretation of the Charted Record?


2.05 When, Where and How to Refer Your Clients for Medical Workup


2.07 How the Billings Ovulation Method® is taught

This is a recording of the introductory presentation of the Billings Ovulation Method® that is given to a client when they are learning to chart for the first time. It is one presentation, but different sections of it have been recorded by 3 different BOMA USA teachers or trainers. It is meant to demonstrate to the health professional, the value of precise teaching by a well trained teacher.


2.08 “Welcome and Introductions” by WOOMB International


2.09 Panel Presentation on “Marketing: Pure and Simple”


2.10 The Theological Basis for Natural Family Planning

INSTRUCTOR CREDENTIALS: Masters in Religious Education
This is an optional presentation and an excellent short explanation of the theological basis of Natural Family Planning.


2.11 ASPIRE to new heights within Marriage


2.14 The Breastfeeding Shuffle

INSTRUCTOR CREDENTIALS: Masters in Religious Education
This is an optional presentation and an excellent short explanation of the theological basis of Natural Family Planning.


Ferely Medina

Title of talk:

Hormonal Contraception, risks and Side Effects- My Personal Testimony


Ferely Correa born in Venezuela, married and mother of 5, met her husband when they were studying engineering. They now share the same profession as chemical engineers. Previously, Ferely was working as a chemical analyst in Venezuela and Mexico in the oil and gas industry, then moved to Holland, and there, volunteered as a team coordinator of activities related to the expat areas in the Hague, at ACCESS magazine. Currently, she is blessed to be part of the NFP instructors in USA, teaching the Billings Ovulation Method. Teaching has taken her on a rewarding and beautiful journey learning more about her body, how it works and what could potentially damage it.