Sharon Pearce
Title of talk:
Sharing the Beauty of NFP with Pro-Life Evangelicals
Sharon Pearce, a native of San Diego/CA, made a commitment to Christ at nineteen while attending a Billy Graham Conference on Discipleship and Evangelism. However, it was her employment history that God used to prepare her for the work she does today as Director of Silent Voices – an abortion alternative ministry.
Before committing her life to Christ, Sharon took a job in a medical laboratory assisting a pathologist in his examinations of aborted babies. After seven years of handling 20 to 30 abortions a day, the stress of this gruesome task became unbearable. Unable to cope with the grief and pain, Sharon was forced to quit her job.
Gradually, over a period of four years, God healed the wounds of anguish and guilt and gave Sharon a desire to become involved in pro-life concerns.
“I believe God wants me to use the knowledge I have to expose the abortion issue and motivate Christians to become involved in helping women who feel that abortion is their only option,” says Sharon.
It is Sharon’s desire to see Christians both defend the unborn (at every stage of development), and share the love and forgiveness of Christ with women struggling with a past abortion. Sharon believes that by showing her that she is forgiven, we will be able to free her from her past so that she might experience the abundant life God has promised to her.
Becoming involved in Natural Family Planning came as a natural extension of her pro-life work. Her biggest challenge in this area has been educating Evangelical Christians on the abortifacient nature of many popular “birth control” methods, encouraging them to use NFP as a way to honor God as they give up trying to “control” their sexuality, as well as sharing with them the blessings that come to a marriage when NFP is practiced.
Sharon currently serves on the BOMA-USA Board of Directors