Online Teacher Trainings
Next session starts June 9th
Expanding the Reach of Billings in the USA
Did you know that Basic Teacher Training is available online? We meet every other week for a live training over Zoom for 9 sessions. This has opened up access to becoming a Billings Certified Teacher to people who are not able to travel and attend an in-person Teacher Training. So far, the response is amazing to the online option with 76 having enrolled and attended.
The feedback from trainees is inspiring. Billings very obviously trusts and believes in women. WhenI was doing the other method, I felt the exact opposite. I felt like I couldn’t be trusted to know my own body and felt like I was treated like a child with their insane number of rules and questions. My prior NFP model felt so demeaning compared to Billing. Iam forever thankful that God led me to this method. I am excited to share it with women and offer empowerment through this method! A current trainee in her own words
Yolanda Acosta new to the Billings Team is also an online success story: I found the Billings Ovulation Method ® Basic Teacher Training online while searching for a teacher training course that would work with my busy schedule which at the time included working part time, caring for our five children and a household. I was so excited when, due to the pandemic, BOMA was offering teacher training online! I was introduced to Natural Family Planning through the Symptopro method. Since I was breastfeeding the method’s focus was mostly on mucus change instead of adding the temperature and other strategies the method instructs. While commenting to a friend that it was way easier, simpler and accurate to keep track of mucus she recommended I check out the Billings Ovulation Method®. I was delighted to find that the Billing Ovulation Method®, although it records and observes mucus differently, and focused on the patterns of fertility. Immediately I felt a strong desire to learn and teach the method so I made it a goal to try to fit in as soon as I could manage. I’m so grateful that I was able to participate in the Basic Teacher Training Course online. It allowed one of my long-term goals to come into fruition while I was in a busy time of my life.
Perhaps you might wonder what is included in a Basic Teacher Training. Time is spent going over the scientific validation of the method. The WOOMB International curriculum stands strong on the science thanks to Drs. Billings, Prof Odeblad and Prof Brown’s research. Many converts to the Billings Ovulation Method® continue to be impressed by how the method makes sense. The program is designed to build on itself starting with the scientific background and the normal cycle. Once the foundation is firm, the curriculum explores the Basic Infertile Pattern and other concepts. The curriculum emphasizes how to ensure the woman is keeping an accurate record, chart interpretation throughout all stages of a woman’s reproductive life, and practical application of the rules to avoid or achieve pregnancy. By the end of the program the trainee is ready to enter Supervised Practicum.