Father Daniel McCaffery

KC Schnitker
Title of talk:
Mission Impossible
Bio - Fr. Daniel McCaffery
Fr. Daniel McCaffrey, S.T.D., is the founding director of NFP Outreach based in Oklahoma City, OK. He has devoted many years of his priesthood with the encouragement of his archbishop to preaching exclusively on the Church’s teachings on marriage. Father travels the country and the world giving parish renewals proclaiming the truth of Humanae Vitae. He has developed a successful program which supports and transforms a parish so that couples joyfully embrace a culture of life.
Bio - KC Schnitker
KC Schnitker lives in Southern Maryland and is a wife and mother of seven. She has been a certified instructor with Family of the Americas for 17 years, is a master trainer and served as executive director for three years. KC has developed effective marketing strategies for the promotion of NFP in parishes, with priests and in funding and recruiting new teachers. KC has served as a regional director with NFP Outreach for five years.