Danielle Koestner, DO
Title of talk:
When, Where and How to Refer Your Clients for Medical Workup”
Banquet: “NFP Mission Work by Sea in the Caribbean and by Land in Tanzania
Dr Koestner is a Family Medicine/OB physician who does mostly women’s health care via telemedicine. She is a certified Billings Ovulation Method® instructor and a FEMM method medical consultant.
She has recently returned from mission work at sea while sailing in the Caribbean and on the continent of Africa in Tanzania with her husband and their 6 children promoting Fertility Awareness Based Methods and the associated medical protocols of the Reproductive Health Research Institute.
She is a part of the FEMM Medical Education Team and is passionate about helping physicians and mid level healthcare professionals integrate these evidence based medical protocols into their practice in the most efficient way possible.
“We’re all passionate about helping patients but we want to help meet their personal fertility goals and most importantly promote their overall health for years to come!”